SUISUN CITY (CBS13) — Neighbors in Suisun City are rattled this weekend over what thrown in their driveways — KKK flyers weighed down with a bag of rice.
A CBS13 view who did not want to be identified sent in a photo of one. The flyer reads, “SAVE OUR LAND, JOIN THE KLAN” with a phone number and a website.
Donna Parker lives in the neighborhood where flyers were found.
“Just to think that something like this is going around… it just shocks me. I don’t know what to think. I’m amazed,” Parker said.
Investigators said they collected as many of the flyers as they could in the area of Mayfield Circle and Montebello.
The police said, “we have no specific information that leads us to believe this is a local recruitment effort. Suisun City prides itself on being one of the most diverse cities in America.”